Airlines with flights from Barranquilla to San Andres Island

There are two airlines with scheduled flights between BAQ and ADZ. Wingo is the only airline with non-stop flights from Ernesto Cortissoz to San Andres Island and the flight time is 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can also connect with AVIANCA via Medellin with a flight time of 5 hours and 25 minutes.

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Non-stop with Wingo

  • Total flight time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Star Alliance Low-cost airline
  • 4 flights per week
  • Boeing 737-800 Passenger

The timetable & schedule information was updated at 2024-03-15

Via Medellin with AVIANCA

  • Total flight time: 5h 25m - 5h 25m.
  • Barranquilla is a AVIANCA focus city.
  • 1 flights per week

The timetable & schedule information was updated at 2024-03-15

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